^Had to be said, ay!
First of all I would just like to mention that...
I am going to watch the Olympics!
Well...I've applied...
I of course really wanted to see the Athletics, and my brother the Gymnastics, so we have applied one day of each! Ahh it's so exciting! I know due to the amount of people that apply you can sometimes be unlucky and not get a ticket, but I still can't help but get all excited. PLUS, Izzy and Hannah have too!
Another thing is, the holidays are now over! I was of course at school today (pretty boring) and I'm already missing the chilled back attitude of the Easter holidays. But on the bright side, I had a lovely break from school where I did a lot of relaxing, seeing friends, crafty stuff, sunbathing and celebrating, so I can't complain! On the note of celebrating, wasn't the royal wedding just fabulous? Leading up to it, I didn't really care much about the event, but when it came to it my heart melted for the couple. As like everyone else, I have to agree Kate and her dress were absolutely beautiful.
Like Izzy, I would quite like to share with you some recent purchases I've made. They're from a variety of charity shops, Lakeside shopping centre in England (went there whilst on a netball trip), and from Rokit.co.uk . I have tried my best to keep to a summery theme, because I have been guilty in the past of buying knitwear and coats in the midst of summer! I have also recently bought a bright red anorak/coat from a charity shop, but I forgot to include it in the photo. It's very 'different', but I like it, it's a question of if I'll have the confidence to wear it...
1. Vintage Levi's cord shorts, £20, Rokit.co.uk. 2. Boat print dress, £5, Primark. 3. Maroon thin tights, £4, Topshop. 4. Red and white spotted skirt, £7, H&M. 5. Tortoise-shell sunglasses, £4, H&M. 6. Faux leather satchel, £7, Primark. 7. thin knitted tunic, £2, from Hopsice charity shop (no label). |
What do you think? I especially like the shorts, because I really have a thing for cord, they were a good price, and they fit well. What not to love!
As we head into summer, I'm starting to think about what festivals I want to go to. I think I probably will go to Jersey Live (even though I think it's a rip off), but I would also like to go to Grassroots. Decisions! (sorry non-Jersians that wouldn't have meant much). And have you seen the line up for the Isle of Wight Bestival? It's sooo good, especially for the price. I wish I could go, but I doubt it because of the cost of getting there.
ANYWHO, something else to mention, when I was browsing the internet shops the other day, this caught my eye...
picture from Asos (£12), there are also some other nice ones,
but this one took the cookie for me. |
White statement collars seem to be quite a growing craze, and I like it. I'm thinking of trying to make something like this, as for such a small amount of material they were crazy prices. As for whether I will ever get around to doing it, well that's another matter.
Okay, last three little things (promise!) to mention:
- Me, Izzy and Hannah have all got an athletics competition this weekend, wish us luck! It isn't too much of a biggy, but nevertheless it's against our rivals over in Guernsey! Just sayin, you might have to be spared of a post this weekend...Depends.
- On a completely different note, does anyone have any tips on good ways to store makeup? I want it accessible, compact, pretty, roomy etc. I don't own much makeup, but my tiny draws I keep it in is driving me round the bend.
- Just had to share this picture, I love it! I'm thoroughly a Nikon person.
photo from thewildones.faketrix.com |
REALLY sorry I went on a bit, my next post will be short and sweet. Hope you have a lovely week,
Rosie xxx