3 Jersey gals with a love for all things fashion, music, photography, baking, vintage, kitch, crafts, love and laughter.

31 August 2011

The Ride of the year.

The time finally came, the ginghamandroses bike ride(/come dine with me day) finally happened. It was a very cute day overall and helped by the summery weather we cycled and ate our way around the Island, getting lost, crashing into each other and generally learning how to ride a bike again.
Rosie 'prepping' the her delicious breakfast
Keen and ready to start...

Casually riding along the country lanes -'how quaint'

Hannah's FANTASTIC afternoon tea

A view worthy of a photo opportunity.

 A Mexican themed dinner
The morning after : the perfect end to the perfect two days ,bacon rolls eaten on the beach.

Just got back from London so post was a bit late. Bad bad blogger .

Enjoy the summer while its still here

I know I will


17 August 2011

God Bless America

Due to the fact that izzy and I were away and Rosie has been dealing with family issues, our blog came to a bit of a stand still last week but we should get back on track soon..

Well, I'm back and what a holiday!!  I am officially in love with America and all things American; the giant monster like cars, their amazingly soothing accents, the heat, their politeness, I could go on forever!!  This time I wanted to experience a real American holiday and completed most of my list of what i really wanted to do:

Ride on a segway
Go to a drive through
Visit Disneyland
Visit ALL of the countries of the World in Epcot
Go to a real American supermarket - super super large!
have the most sugary cereal for breakfast; the one with the free toys and cereal loaded with sprinkles, marshmallows and gallons of food coloring's
see a real school bus up close

The heat was incredible and it got up to way over 40 deg. C and my huge double bed with more than enough pillows was hard to part with in the mornings.  We also managed to squeeze in some well earned shopping, I promised myself to not buy many things as I knew that my wardrobe was full anyway.

Bluefin from Rack Room shoes - on sale

Levi's t-shirt

Hannah xx

05 August 2011


Sorry for the absence on the blog recently, but Izzy just got back from holiday today, Hannah's still away and I unfortunately have been dealing with family issues as my Dad very sadly recently passed away after a long battle with cancer.

Appreciate your Dad whilst you have the time because you'll miss
him like hell when he's gone. (...Rosie's wise comment of the day)

We will get back to a blogging routine as soon as possible, and
sorry to have such a gloomy post! But I hope you have a nice weekend anyway.             

Rosie xxx