3 Jersey gals with a love for all things fashion, music, photography, baking, vintage, kitch, crafts, love and laughter.

31 August 2011

The Ride of the year.

The time finally came, the ginghamandroses bike ride(/come dine with me day) finally happened. It was a very cute day overall and helped by the summery weather we cycled and ate our way around the Island, getting lost, crashing into each other and generally learning how to ride a bike again.
Rosie 'prepping' the her delicious breakfast
Keen and ready to start...

Casually riding along the country lanes -'how quaint'

Hannah's FANTASTIC afternoon tea

A view worthy of a photo opportunity.

 A Mexican themed dinner
The morning after : the perfect end to the perfect two days ,bacon rolls eaten on the beach.

Just got back from London so post was a bit late. Bad bad blogger .

Enjoy the summer while its still here

I know I will



  1. ugh, this looks like such a lovely day out! i'm so jealous of your beautiful weather - it has been foul here ): xx

  2. Thanks it was a really cute day!! Izzy xx
