3 Jersey gals with a love for all things fashion, music, photography, baking, vintage, kitch, crafts, love and laughter.

30 June 2011

Feeling Jammy .

Its wimbledon week ! And although i am astoundingly crap at tennis i do love a bit of Wimbledon (who doesn't ) . I thought i'd get into the strawberries theme for Wimbledon and make some Jam !

I gave one jar to Hannah as a thank you for finishing my textiles project (more on that later ) and the other well...i'm enjoying it a lot to say the least.

In other news this weeks thoughts include:
  • How hot little old Jersey seems to be getting and it looks to get hotter for the weekend , im planning a tanning extravanganza followed by a visit to the much loved vintage fair maybe a few charity shops as well who knows ...
  • Sales ....Urban outfitters have a great one on and im looking paticuarly at this cute pair of bleached dungarees.

Cute non?

  • Olympic tickets -Yes i finally got them ,shame there for womans weighlifting though.
  • Speaking of tickets i still need to get my Jersey Live and Grassroots festival ticket, abosulutly can't wait to see Ben Howard in the flesh ,being a jersey bean its just about the highligt of my year.
  • I've decided to motivate myself for the summer and try and get a job,even if its just serving ice-creams at a beach cafe i won't care i just need the money!
If i carried on rambling on about my thoughts like this i'd be here all day ! So i think i'll just stop now...

Ginghamandroses has been looking a 'bit ' tierd recently and we feel its time for a boost!
We'd love to here your ideas for the blog . Comment below or email us at ginghamandroses@yahoo.com
Please share your ideas they'd be so helpful !


26 June 2011

There must be something in the Danish waters

Is it just me, or is it SUCH a shame that Danish model Mathias Lauridsen is 27, otherwise it would be very understandable (at my age) to like him...a lot.

(All from Google Images), and the bottom
left picture he's the one in blue.
In case you're still not convinced...

^Ignore his answers, most of them are rubbish.

On another note, hope you're soaking up the rays if you're in Jersey. I really don't want the lovely weather to ever end! I spent the weekend with friends, sunbathing, swimming (and yes, the sea is still pretty damn cold) and taking a visit to the Island's Synagogue (this is where R.E projects take you these days!). 

Have a nice week- only two more left until the Easter holidays! 
Rosie xxx

24 June 2011

Nearly There!!

Last saturday whilst sitting in Bean around the world cafe i sat wondering where all of my money has run off to - It's got a mind of its own - I confess, when i've got money in my pocket, i'll spend it, ALL... luckily company magazine came in handy on how to confess and treat being 'CA$HAMED'...and I'm determined to save up and limit what i buy...

I'm counting down the days till school is OVER and I couldn't be more impatient.  I have so many plans for the holidays that life has become a little unbearable with all this waiting...Luckily i'm finishing school earlier this year since one week i'm in Wales and the other two i'm doing work experience.  Oooh!!  Just the thought thrills me and lets just say, I won't be the quietest person in school when all of my exams are over...

Here's another tresure i found to fit into my already bursting wardrobe (not an exaggeration)...

A VERY cute summer top only 50p.
Slightly lacy on the front and goes well with a few pearls ...

I have a new love for James Vincent McMorrow...I was sent this song and since then I'm in love with it, hope you are too...

Hannah xxx

22 June 2011

Heaven .

Oh my i think I've forgotten how to post!
This last week has been absolutely manic what with exams/athletics/netball /just everything really!

Fortunately everything seems to be calming down now towards the end of term ( only a few more weeks left !) so a normal posting pattern will hopefully be more of a regular occurrence.
Despite all this business i still found time to visit an exiting new place just opened in Jersey . You Jersey beans will hopefully  know what I'm talking about when i say the new Vintage tearoom which has just opened in Town .Finally my prayers had been answered and my own personal fantasy had arrived: vintage clothes and Delicious baking in the cutest little tearoom you can imagine. So after a few hints my mum sprang the surprise on me that we were going for tea -right after my maths GCSE ,you can imagine how exited i was! 
Anything with  a pink candy striped theme and pink polka dot table cloths is bound to be cute....

They do a fabulous range of afternoon teas( see picture!) which i have made a note to myself to try ...Apparently they are very busy and a booking is required -so Jersey beams get in there quick!
(Photo taken off their facebook page)
Mmmmm the chocolate and amaretti brownies pure heaven on a plate!

Oooo i really was in pure heaven ,the tea may i also add was amazing as they do the coolest range of teas out there served on cute little mismatched bone china (pina colada tea anyone? )
And the clothes were pretty cool too , you almost get distracted by the food though....

Me and Rosie have our last  ever schools athletics competition tomorrow !
And my final English exam is only a few weeks away
Bring on the end of term...

P.S Additional thoughts this week include my recent bakes which i haven't had time to post about but i thought I'd just show you picture quick!

Hummingbird bakery's hummingbird cake ,sort of like a carrot cake but more tropical (Delicious)

Homemade custard creams, very cute and were gone suspiciously quick...

20 June 2011

Snap happy

So this is how it went...
Having just got back from a weekend netball trip in London, I arrived home and unpacked my bag and got my books ready for school tomorrow. Your average kinda boring/'really don't wan to go to school tomorrow' feeling Sunday evening, no?

BUT (a very big but) it turned out to be no ordinary evening. My much loved Mum ever so casually sprung a lovely surprise on me. She said "Oh Rosie, forgot to mention, take a look in the study there are some things in there I thought you might be interested in."
Not wanting to get my hopes up, I expected it was going to be a pencil which she found that had my name on or something. But oh how I was wrong. I will remember to have more faith in my Mum next time!
Take a look at these beauties...

Jealous? Hmm thought so. The Kodak Brownie camera was my Granddad's, and the Canon AV-1 was my Dad's. The price of the film for either cameras will obviously be pretty crazy, but I might buy one roll for each (if can get hold of some) just to see what sort of images they take, and then leave them be for ornamental purposes!
Also, I think I might try clearing out the old cupboards sometime!

Have a nice week, Rosie xxx

P.S Hope you had a great day spoiling your Dad on Sunday, I wish I could have been at home for more of the day. I love you so much Dad, keep fighting on. xx

16 June 2011

Too much Tea

Firstly I have to say I think my organisational skills have hit ROCK BOTTOM...I seem to have more exams than I planned and the blog has gone completely out of my head, mind you I have been drinking a lot of tea lately!  But I promise things will get better soon!
My summer wardrobe is nearly complete and I can't wait to start wearing them!!

My first buy is from the vintage fair.  It is a knitted type over-top (If you know what I mean??) I never buy clothes from there but when I saw this I could help but buy it...

My new satchel from oxfam was a last minute buy, but I have to say out of all the satchel's I've bought, I'm quite impressed with this one..


I have to admit though I've been in a bit of debt recently since I had a  sudden surge to buy the whole charity shop...luckily my friend was on hand to lend me with some well needed cash!

Love Hannah xxx

12 June 2011

Let the bidding begin!

Sorry the posts have been a bit mucked around these past few weeks partly due to ginghamandroses busy timetable and partly due to posting confusions.But not to worry all will be back to normal asap!

Ugh its raining in Jersey for the first time in weeks ,which is good for the farmers but not so much for my mood. I'm currently having a revision 'break' . I've got my first maths gcse tomorrow (same one as Hannah) and I'm more than a little nervous . ... Anyway I've got some very exiting news ,I've finally decided to move into the craze ( a little late admittedly) and get my own eBay account . Its all very exiting especially for a money saver like me ,as everything is so cheap. So i spotted a few lovelies recently:

A perfect festival top from topshop for a third of the usual price.That's eBay...

How cute!- A personalised scrabble necklace !

I'm currently in a bidding war for this baby . It'll be worth it though. I've always wanted a vintage Polaroid camera.

And before i go....
You won;t be able to stop humming this i promise you...
Anyway back to revision !
Really sorry for the shortness of the post and my ramblings....
Wish me luck for tomorrow !
I'll keep you updated on the bidding...
Izzy XX

P.S Although this weeks been busy I've found time for some baking so a baking post could be on the way.

Couldn't help but share this with you

I stumbled across this series of videos when searching for a band name, and boy I'm glad I did. They are so inspiring, and kind of enchanting in a weird way. He has a true talent for story telling too, something I didn't realise existed! I hope one day I will have my own adventure like this...

Part 2...

Part 3...

*The videos make me want to visit New York and just generally America more that ever.
**I love his subtle humour, it just makes the videos.

And here is another of his videos...It's also equally as inspiring and 'feel good'.

I hope you also liked the videos, and if you did please subscribe to his channel.

Love Rosie XXX

09 June 2011

Out and About

Sorry for the VERY late post!  exams and other things have got the better of me and I feel really bad.

Anywhoo getting on with the post, I thought since its the summer, I would tell you about things going on out and about.
A brand new, VINTAGE tea room has just opened!  we all cant wait to go but you'll have to wait for Izzy's post to tell you all the details, but looking through the window it looks amazing, you cannot afford to miss it!

Another event going on is for any of you cooking enthusiasts who love to bake.  A bakery demonstration is going on in Le Levieres shop in town from 10-late afternoon on saturday.  It looks good and you never know it might inspire you!

The vintage fair is also this Saturday, and I think I may have time to squeeze it in in the morning.  One of my friends is desperate to go so I might see some of you down there...

There is a huge norman fete going on down by liberation square.  which looks really sweet and there is going to be lots of entertainment and food down there on saturday and sunday as well.

I'm in love with this song by ed sheeran at the moment.
Sorry for a boring post!!
Hannah xxx

04 June 2011

Ginghamandroses reunited.

I should start by saying that I'm a bad bad blogger, this is a late post. I've just been so busy ever since I've been back I've hardly had any free time!
I had a fabulous time in Sicily as you must already know, and though its great to finally be back to Jersey (and Hannah!) the weather just isn't the same although we have had some nice sunny days. I really don't know where the week has gone between sunbathing, charity shopping, baking, ebaying (I'm now an official eBay addict) and working (or trying to -i don't think I've actually done any yet) its suddenly Saturday. Oh well I'm home for the summer now so hopefully I'll have a lot more free time.
Well anyway on Wednesday gingham and roses were finally reunited -and we all met up in the afternoon for a catchup over milkshakes in our favourite cafe (bean around the world for you jersey beans) and a spot of charity shopping. Then in the evening to make pizzas, eat cake, watch chicken run (a classic movie not to be missed) whilst eating popcorn, and then talk some more. Because there was a lot of catching up to do!
This was the gorgeous cake Hannah made for us as a welcome home present. Isn't it fabulous?
She got the inspiration for the decoration from a post Rosie did on the lovely blog the Drifter and the Gypsy: http://ginghamandroses.blogspot.com/2011/04/cute-day.html
These are our delicious pizzas we made clockwise from top, Hannah's, Izzy's and Rosie's.

Seeing as we hadn't had much unwinding pampering time in a while we thought we try our hand at making our own rejuvenating face masks from a book Rosie brought along 'Fifi Lapin What shall i wear today?'. Its all about style and beauty from the perspective of a very fashionable rabbit who also has her own blog. Click here to go the blog its rather cute. So anyway we thought we'd try her carrot and lemon face mask but in classic ginghamandroses style it didn't quite got to plan. The only carrots we had were slightly mouldy and we only had oranges not lemons. We soon found an avocado instead and thought why not, so our variation was orange and avocado instead of lemon and carrot. Oh well! Even if it was green our skin was still left silky smooth.
If anyone wants the recipe we'll post it soon!
This was our finished result, not bad if you ignore the greenness of it!

It was a very cute day !
 Apologies for the rambling post bloggers, its so good to be back!
I'm off to bake a round of custard creams and do some work now,
needless to say there'll be more eating than working!
Izzy XX