3 Jersey gals with a love for all things fashion, music, photography, baking, vintage, kitch, crafts, love and laughter.

10 October 2011

Weekend Indulgences

Although the weather has turned it didn't stop me from having a rather cute weekend.
With a few indulgences.
A Sushi Lunch . Followed by movie -takeaway night with the ginghamandroses gal's. 

Glamour Magazine (a monthly ) necessity

Style Magazine ( a weekly favourite )

Scarf from Hospice Shop ( where i now work ....!)

Happy Monday


06 October 2011

Shopping at the Trafford Centre? Yes Please!

Whilst off on the school geography trip this year with 45 girls and I, pictures can only describe how much fun I had!  The Lake District decided to bring on challenges including 80 mph winds and heavy rain, but nothing was going to stop me from having a great time!  Just lucky we had time to stop and have a healthy 4 hours shopping time in the Trafford Centre!  Ooh, just the thought brings backs memories...

A juicy buy from Topshop

Guessed how much I bought this for?  no it wasn't £58...40...30...or even £10.  Thanks to many months of saving up Topshop vouchers and the wave of a magic student card ( 20% off ) I bought this for 40 pence, YES just 40 pennies!  Not bad for Topshop ey?  


Love Hannah xx

02 October 2011

Dinner With a View.

Just can't get over the hotness of the weather this past week,-its October ?!
Last weekend , me and Rosie decided to make the most of the amazing weather with an alfresco night in round at Rosie's cooking for ourselves.
Toad in the Hole with Onion Gravy Anyone ?

Homemade Potato Wedges mmmm
Dinner With a View
Hmmm, i think its time for some proper autumn weather!

23 September 2011

Near 'add to my cart's.

I know its been quite a while...but I'm back now! Schoolwork just seems to be mountainous these days.

For a while I've had a major crush on Urban Outfitters, but now it's getting out of control! I LOVE literally all their home ware section, so I definitely know where the new bedroom equip. is going to be coming from. And as for the clothes! This seasons knitwear collection is dream worthy.

One of the many lovely knit pieces
I have officially requested this for my birthday! I mean seriously, one side
kaleidoscope, one side floral? This quilt was made for me. 
I've also been spending many evenings debating whether to buy an old polaroid camera (cheap and prints in front of you, but expensive film) or a diana f+ dreamer (cheaper film and sooo pretty, but poorly made). Or other lomography/toy cameras, like a Holga.
I've come to realise that without meaning to I've ruled out not having one at all, because for so long now i've been yearning over these dreamy, vignetted, saturated photos you get with these film cameras...

Just a quick example

vintage polaroid- So retro
Diana F+ - just stunning!
Such a tricking decision, any advice?

Happy weekend, Rosie

17 September 2011

Hitting the Tearoom

The newly opened Vintage Tearoom had a party to celebrate opening and we all couldn't help but go along!  They had everything from scones, to little chocolate and raspberry tarts!  It was a VERY cute evening and it gave G & R time to catch up with school and gossip - which was greatly missed...

Hannah xx

15 September 2011

All Eyes On The Wrist.

Its been one of those weeks .Hopefully it'll pick up though as Gingham and Roses have very exitingly planned on going to a tea party tommorow night at the fabulous Vintage Tearoom . Free cake AND vintage clothes ! Together?!
Anyway, with the summer fading fast its time to say goodbye to all my beads and bangles and hello to some new winter wristwear. A Retro Watch would be the coolest thing to have on my wrist . I always knew telling the time could be fun..

Gold or Yellow -Gold or Yellow , decisions decisions...

I know its a bit early for Christmas Lists . But please can one of these be on mine?


12 September 2011

Something to be proud of...

So last weekend was the Channel Island Championships, and on the spur of the moment me and Izzy decided a couple of days before to run the 3000m (we're sprinters and have never trained for anything over 400m!)
But that's not it, oh no. We had people sponsor us and all the money is going to Hospice. We're still chasing a few people up, but by the end we will have raised a total of £480.10 ! Not bad huh?

Ready to hassle people!
Hiding the nerves...

A great day, and hopefully Hannah will be able to join us next time.

Have a lovely week, Rosie xxx

09 September 2011

Warm this Winter

Because the weather's all horrible and every ones swapped their shorts for jeans and their 'festival plans' for ones of Christmas . Its time we all started thinking about our ' winter preparation ' -because i know they say it every year but its gonna be a cold one and its so much easier to enjoy when your wearing the right clothing.
Green Quilted Jacket-Topshop
Knitted Scarf- Zara

My winter coat search is over.
But a winter coat just isn't complete without a cute winter accessory right?


05 September 2011

Class of 2011

I hate to be the bearer of bad news but yes, the time has come to set aside our freedom from late night parties and sleeping in till noon...It's back to school for most of us and I have to say the thought of waking up at 6.30 for 5 days a week still hasn't quite sunk in yet.  The school dress is out, and the neatly ironed white socks from my mum are staring at me from my bed and the sight of it literally hurts my eyes!!  
But let's not forget the amazing summer we had and for us jersey beans it was festival time mixed in with catching up with lost friends at Jersey Live last weekend, and it couldn't have gone more well!

There were a lot of amazing acts, and Dry The River was well worth the hour and a half wait...

Love Hannah xx

03 September 2011

Not all the ads are bad.

Sometimes you find good music in the ways you least expect! Admittedly most adverts are horrifically bad and annoying, but at least some good tunes are played. You may even be able to guess what ads these are from...

1. Gary Nock- Make it better

2. Radical Face- Welcome home

3. Foster the People- Pumped up kicks

4. Tim Myers- Simply Wonderful

5. Fiction- Big things (wait for it to pick up at 1:30)

6. Cults- Go outside

7. Crystal Fighters- Plage

8. Cassius- I love u so

9. The Kinks- Days

1. Mars
2. Nikon
3. O2 priority moments
4. Hellmans mayonnaise
5. Ford Fiesta
6. Brothers Cider
7. Matalan
8. Citroen
9. Volkswagen

Btw, might be worth mentioning I'm not actually a t.v or advert addict, i promise! That would just be weird...

Have a good day, Rosie xxx

31 August 2011

The Ride of the year.

The time finally came, the ginghamandroses bike ride(/come dine with me day) finally happened. It was a very cute day overall and helped by the summery weather we cycled and ate our way around the Island, getting lost, crashing into each other and generally learning how to ride a bike again.
Rosie 'prepping' the her delicious breakfast
Keen and ready to start...

Casually riding along the country lanes -'how quaint'

Hannah's FANTASTIC afternoon tea

A view worthy of a photo opportunity.

 A Mexican themed dinner
The morning after : the perfect end to the perfect two days ,bacon rolls eaten on the beach.

Just got back from London so post was a bit late. Bad bad blogger .

Enjoy the summer while its still here

I know I will


17 August 2011

God Bless America

Due to the fact that izzy and I were away and Rosie has been dealing with family issues, our blog came to a bit of a stand still last week but we should get back on track soon..

Well, I'm back and what a holiday!!  I am officially in love with America and all things American; the giant monster like cars, their amazingly soothing accents, the heat, their politeness, I could go on forever!!  This time I wanted to experience a real American holiday and completed most of my list of what i really wanted to do:

Ride on a segway
Go to a drive through
Visit Disneyland
Visit ALL of the countries of the World in Epcot
Go to a real American supermarket - super super large!
have the most sugary cereal for breakfast; the one with the free toys and cereal loaded with sprinkles, marshmallows and gallons of food coloring's
see a real school bus up close

The heat was incredible and it got up to way over 40 deg. C and my huge double bed with more than enough pillows was hard to part with in the mornings.  We also managed to squeeze in some well earned shopping, I promised myself to not buy many things as I knew that my wardrobe was full anyway.

Bluefin from Rack Room shoes - on sale

Levi's t-shirt

Hannah xx

05 August 2011


Sorry for the absence on the blog recently, but Izzy just got back from holiday today, Hannah's still away and I unfortunately have been dealing with family issues as my Dad very sadly recently passed away after a long battle with cancer.

Appreciate your Dad whilst you have the time because you'll miss
him like hell when he's gone. (...Rosie's wise comment of the day)

We will get back to a blogging routine as soon as possible, and
sorry to have such a gloomy post! But I hope you have a nice weekend anyway.             

Rosie xxx

31 July 2011

A week in the life of a Sunshine-aholic.

Just relishing in the last  of today's sunshine. The first week of my summer holidays couldn't of been better as we all have made the most of jersey's gorgeousness in the summer and slowly but surely i've been working my way through my really long summer list...

Monday was spent at the hospice barn where i picked up the cutest picnic basket, let the picnicking begin!

On Tuesday i cracked open the recipe books and made some Peanut Butter Blondie's (a brownie with white chocolate instead of milk) . I'll take Hannah and Rosie's word for it that they were up to scratch. You can find the recipe here.

Rosie blogged about our lovely day out on Wednesday of course, and of the the rest of the week was spent sunbathing and swimming. Quite acceptable activities looking at the current weather situation. 
So there you have it the first week of my summer. Whats everyone else been doing?

Also (this is a bit late sorry) to remind all the Jersey Beans to head down to the vintage tearoom (which gingham and roses is very much a fan of)  where they are selling lots of vintage denim shorts and summer clothing. I'd get down there quick if i were you!

Well that's me, I'd better continue packing as I'm going to France tomorrow for a mini-break, I'll hand you over to Rosie for the week and I'll be back for the weekend!
Izzy X

29 July 2011

Sipping tea and scoffing scones

Apologies for the VERY late post, but i've been pretty busy doing touristy stuff (like crazy golf!) with our friends that are over from Leeds.
Anyway a couple of days ago me, Izzy, Hannah and my friend from England Sophie went to the Lavender Farm. It was so pretty and a lovely day. I don't have much time on my hands at the moment so I'll just let the photos do the talking...

The Gingham and Roses squad!

My chicken feed (but they just ran away)
'au natural' shot of Izzy
Izzy, Rosie, Hannah, Sophie

We joked together that when we're older instead of going on a pub crawl we'll be going on tearoom crawls ;) Our next target is Poplars tearoom in St.Ouen!

Hope you're also enjoying the lovely weather, Rosie xxx

25 July 2011

The Usual...

Firstly, I want to tell you all I have finished my picnic basket 'makeover' and I love the end result.  If you saw my  blog from last time I wanted it to look like the F & M baskets, what do you think??

H & B stands for my initials

It was also the weekend of Grassroots and it was so much better than I thought!!  Rosie's friend Sophie came over from England and we had a great time...

We also got a picture with Ben Howard one of the headline acts there (we were a lucky bunch)!!

A picture with Ben Howard...the usual...

This might be my last blog till I go on holiday to Florida for two luxurious weeks of bliss!! there's something sweet about leaving all of the stress and worries behind letting them sort themselves out knowing that my suitcase will come back 10lbs heavier than when I arrived.  I'll be sure to tell a few stories when I get back too!!

Love Hannah xx

22 July 2011

Totally Stuffed.

Its holiday time! Everything is now finished for six weeks as of this afternoon. Its been a great final week though. Little bit full now, must of put on a few pounds just going round the Island eating and cooking lots of exciting things which ended with a trip to the Michelin starred Bohemia Restaurant this afternoon. Amazing is the only word to describe it.

This was the main course at Bohemia Coq Au Vin which was pure heaven.

The same could be said for the lemon tart with homemade ice-cream.

All in all i had a Delicious week, making pizza, baking bread, cooking at an Indian restaurant and generally being greedy without anyone judging you.

I also had a rather nice surprise waiting for me when i got home -my new shoes had arrived! I ordered some summer sandals from Aldo a week ago, just in time for the summer.

Very exited for this weekend. You Jersey beans will know what I'm talking about when i say Grassroots festival Jersey's Eco music-boutique festival. There are lots of great artists (including Ben Howard) i thought I'd just end on this song as they'll be playing tomorrow. Just to get everyone in the festival mood.

Arrested Development -The Everyday People

Happy Holidays Everyone


20 July 2011

Holidays ahead...

I love the holidays! I can't wait to put the plans of what we want to do into action. There's grassroots (hippy-ish music festival), Jersey Live, strawberry picking, and me Izzy and Hannah's bike ride/come dine with me day ! I just hope the weather cheers up, especially for when my friend from england comes over this saturday for a week.

Anywho, although there is lots of excitement around the corner, I do have a mammoth amount of Art gcse coursework to get on with. There is a lot to do, and although I enjoy doing it, I always put it off because I worry what I do will be rubbish!

Part of what we have to do is a 'title page'. I for some reason have kinda got into incorporating scrabble letters into my art work...so this is what I came out with:

Quite basic, but I didn't want it to look like I had tried too hard 
and made it all 'busy', like I often do...does that make sense?!

Aside from art, I recently went to Eclectic boutique's fashion show which was brilliant, and there they also gave you 20% off vouchers! So the other day that's where I went to spend my money (well, spend £9!). I've bought a couple of things there in the past and it is such a nice boutique, even if just to look at! If you jersey beans haven't been there yet...do go!

I have realised that I'm a sucker for buying evening and smart clothing and dresses, just because they're so eye catching, so I have made it a mission for me to buy more casual clothing. I bought a really simple but nice tee from Eclectic but unfortunately it's in the wash, so I might feature it in my next post!

I also bought some new denim shorts from Topshop because I grew out of my old ones- well I never really fitted them- but they're pretty bob standard so I won't bother showing you those.

Sorry, too much writing I know!
Hope you are enjoying the summer too, Rosie xxx

17 July 2011

A rainy day...

Whilst the rain seems to be chucking it down thinking it was the time of Noah's Ark, holidays plans are finally coming together.  To make sure that the bike ride goes ahead, Izzy, Rosie and I have set 6 crucial dates to do the bike ride so there's no stopping us!!

Yesterday, we were supposed to be doing the st. saviour carboot sale but we cancelled it because of the weather.  Instead we did something that we have been meaning to do for a while.  We went to the vintage tearoom and treated ourselves to a range of delicious foods, browsed through clothes and tried pina colada tea...
Let's just say the tea wasn't to my liking...
It was the first time I had been to the vintage tearoom and the selection of around 7 different types of scones, brownies with ice cream and chocolate sauce was enough to make my stomach grumble with excitement

As my family holiday draws ever closer, my room is scattered with outfits to wear, mini bottles of shampoo and travel size toothpaste and there's always a song blurting from my speakers, I can't get enough of this one...

Hannah xxx

15 July 2011

Schools out for Summer....

Finally. I'm on Holiday there is now nothing between me and a long hot(hopefully) relaxing summer. But i also have activities week to look forward to which means a whole week of eating at Jersey's nicest restaurants ,my kind of activity.

So anyway this weekend i took a long awaited trip to the local Hospice Barn ,yes barn its literally a charity shop in a barn -pretty cool. I couldn't leave without picking up a few lovelies.

A pretty unique buy . I was instantly drawn to it ad had to have it...


Another jumper/cardigan and yes i know its July


I brought this bag at another charity shop a few weeks back, buts its been so useful i couldn't resist sharing it.

I managed to get free tickets to the Grassroots music festival this week ,its sort of an Eco friendly boutique festival and tickets are around 40 pounds . All i have to do is help build a wave out of plastic bottles.Pretty good going if you ask me.
I can't wait to start enjoying my summer alongside Rosie and Hannah .

Bring on the sunshine
