3 Jersey gals with a love for all things fashion, music, photography, baking, vintage, kitch, crafts, love and laughter.

25 March 2011

Here comes the sun...

Well bloggers!  I have to say...I'm in a VERY good mood today...i'm smiling from head to toe, it must be the glorious sun we've been having and the fact that the flowers are blooming and the tress are blossoming...and do you know what this means??  A chance to grab some fabulous shots on my camera. I've already taken a few.  well, my granny happened to see a huge field filled with sun kissed yellow daffodils and  I couldn't resist going to take some pictures.  She then took me down into the valley and I got some good shots...
And that's not it...although i've been very handy with my sewing skills, taking up skirts and making cushions, I think it's about time I made some clothes from scratch...I've got a few ideas.  I really want to make some camel colored medium length shorts...I can't believe that very shortly i'll be wearing shorts and skirts (without the tights) and absorbing as much vitamin D into me as I can take ( from the sun if you didn't guess)...my next challenge is to make a chic white dress that I can wear.  I can't wait to get started and I'll be sure to give you a few tips on how to make some things too along the way too...

Lots of love...
Hannah xxx


  1. hey! that's a great blog! thanks for following, i'm following back!

  2. Great photos :) xx

    http://hellosailor-shannon.blogspot.com/ - check out my blog :)
